About Us


Enrico Kasanwidjojo


Born in The Netherlands with Surinamese roots. Grew up in one of the most multicultural city of The Netherlands: The City of Rotterdam Nowadays I’m the co-founder of Casaba and I’m working as a fulltime finance employee. Besides work, I love to be surrounded by friends and family to make memories for live. Together with co-founder Quinton, also known as my best friend since the primary school, we share a dream to run our own company. With more than 20 years of friendship we know each other as no other. We know how to support each other in good and bad times.

Casaba Vodka Enjoy your tropical moment

Quinton Wouterse


I have a Dutch, Surinamese, Javanese background. Born in Capelle a/d IJssel, but raised in one of the most multicultural cities in the Netherlands: Rotterdam. Besides co-founding Casaba I study, I work in retail, engage in sports and spend my remaining time with family and friends. I have always dreamed of owning my own company and I am very happy that I was able to make this dream come true together with Enrico. We have been friends for more than twenty years, so we know exactly what each other’s weaknesses and strengths are and how we can add to each other.

Our story

We have known each other since 2001, our first year of primary school and have been friends for more than twenty years now. Therefore, we can speak from our own experience that friends can become family. Over the years, we have had many conversations about setting up our own company. Enrico was the one with the idea of ​​launching our own vodka brand. Of course there are already a lot of vodka brands, so the follow-up question was automatically: “what makes us different from others?”
We didn’t want to make just any vodka. Therefore we have chosen to have a vodka made based on cassava. A product that, given our background, is close to us and many others. There are many people who are familiar with the product and otherwise familiar with the tropical countries where the product can be found. The same warm tropical countries where you are welcomed with open arms by the population and overwhelmed with their hospitality.

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